Friday, December 5, 2014

Home Team Radio's Come up

August 26th 2010 Home Team Radio went live on  Though I didnt start playing independent music right off the bat, I knew I would get the support of people from people on twitter who wanted a place to have their music heard, people I knew from Battle Creek, and even people from the Atlanta Area that I had met either from work or the few times I did go out and hang.  Starting out as an hour show for almost two weeks straight I focused on playing nothing but music and talking here and there.  I never really promoted Home Team Radio in the beginning only because this was a hobby that I never really thought would be something that would come to be what I want to do more than what my current job is now. 
I remember my very first interview it was with TreyDaGreat now known as Trey Ali.  I was nervous as hell.  I know he was an everyday person just trying to get his foot in the door for his music but I couldnt even think properly while trying to conduct his interview.  When all was said and done after I talked to Trey he told me that he didnt't even know that he was my first interview let alone I handled the interview like I had been doing them for a while.  I continued doing Home Team Radio trying to work my craft and let the artists know I that I wanted to let them have an outlet for their music even when an FM radio station would say no.

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